What would happen if you fire an electron at 299,792,456 m/s from a gun moving at 2m/s?
Originally asked on Quora Since this is not technically possible there are multiple factors that you can choose to negate. If you choose...

Are Einstein's equations really foolproof? Is there really no way to break the speed of light?
Originally asked on Quora Yes. An object cannot surpass 299,792,458 m/s ever. However space itself can expand or stretch as fast as it...
Was Inflation Before the Big Bang?
At a quadrillion degrees Kelvin, the Higgs Field stops working and what was once fermions become like a boson, traveling at celeritas. As...

Stopping Light
In 2013, at the University of Darmstadt, in a crystal, physicists used electromagnetically induced transparency(EIT), a phenomenon in...
Pentaquarks - A New Addition to Particle Physics
Pentaquarks are just what they sound like, five-quark baryons. The particles were very recently discovered at the CERN Large Hadron...